Monday, December 7, 2015

Helpful Letter

Dear Gabi,
CONGRATS!! You are exactly one week away from being done with your first semester of college! Wahoo! Yes, this has been an absolutely crazy ride but it has also been the best journey of your entire life! You have worked so hard all semester so make sure to stick it out until the end! There are only a few finals standing in your way from a long break! You are smart and capable of everything you set your mind to, you just need to stay organized, be healthy, and work hard! Its amazing to look back at all of the work you have done over the past semester. When you get stressed out, just take a deep breath and do as follows:
-go for a run, you know it always makes you feel better
-eat healthy!!
-write a list of things to do and when you're going to do them, this always helps you feel more organized and on top of things
-clean your room, reorganize your clothes, wipe down your counters/desk, and vacuum! This always makes you feel ready to study because you are less clustered and its a great study break!
-Get a good nights sleep! You know staying up past 12 makes your life 10X harder so be efficient  during the day! There will be plenty of time to stay up late over break
-Its okay to take a study break and visit with friends, it will help you clear your mind!

Letter To Myself

If I could write a letter to myself at the beginning semester, I would give myself a lot of advice. First I would tell myself to breath! College is doable! It is all about time management! Next, I would tell myself that prewriting is SO IMPORTANT!! In the past, I have always just jumped into my essays without much preparation, my ideas were always all over the place and the writing was extremely elementary. Prewriting has helped me stay so organized, allowed me to dive deeper into my essays, and put all of my ideas on one piece of paper. I would tell myself to slow down and take my time with prewriting and my essays. It is also very helpful to have others read over your essays because they can catch mistakes you might have looked over. Then, I would tell myself that "you are about to learn a lifetime of useful information so go to every class and take it all in!" This class has improved my writing so much and I truly believe I have learned to write stronger and in a more professional manner. I learned so much and I learned how to manage my time. So....past self...just breath, enjoy school, and work hard!

Thesis for Final Essay

Over the past three months, I barely knew what a quick reference guide, rhetorical analysis and make a public argument was or how to even go about writing one. However, after being enrolled in English 109H, I have learned how to write more direct and with a straightforward manner. For this course, we were required to keep a blog, writing a few posts every week. Originally, I thought the blogs were just busy work, however quickly; I discovered how helpful they were. The blogs encouraged prewriting techniques, which caused me to stay very organized. Over the semester, I have improved my rhetorical skills by learning specifically about tone, the PIE structure, SOAPSTone, and more!

  • Opening paragraph
  • Quick Reference Guide
    • Ethos, pathos, logos
    • Evaluation of sources
    • PIE 
  • Rhetorical Analysis
    • Observation and Inferences
    • SOAPSTone
  • Public Argument
    • discuss blog and powerpoint
    • group conferences 
  • Conclusion 

Audience and Invention for Reflective Essay

  • What topic do I want to discuss with my readers? What do I want them to understand about the topic?
    • I want to write about how I have improved as a writer over the past three months, I would like to discuss how my writing can easily sound elementary and that I learned to focus on writing about specific topics or events rather than just paraphrasing something. I want my readers to understand how you can fix these problems and why fixing paraphrasing can make an essay so much stronger

  • Who is my primary audience? Who is my secondary audience?
    • My primary audience is Dr. Bell, my english professor because she has taught me everything I have learned over the past semester and she has read all of my essay and has given me concrete feedback
    • My secondary audience is my classmates because they helped me on multiple occasions to make my writing better  
  • What do my audience already know or believe about the topic?
    • My audience already knows the topics I have written about and how I am as writer. They understand that I paraphrase more than I should and know that I enjoy a large amount of feedback to improve my essays. They also know that sometimes I difficulty writing a sentence after I have used a quote from another source
  • How will I organize and develop my ideas?
    • I always like to make an outline of what I am going to write and include in my essay. It allows me to easily organize my paper and get everything I want to include on one piece of paper. I also want to specifically discuss what I changed to improve my essay, why and how I changed it, and discuss my strengths and weaknesses. I will also discuss what I have learned throughout this entire course