Monday, December 7, 2015

Letter To Myself

If I could write a letter to myself at the beginning semester, I would give myself a lot of advice. First I would tell myself to breath! College is doable! It is all about time management! Next, I would tell myself that prewriting is SO IMPORTANT!! In the past, I have always just jumped into my essays without much preparation, my ideas were always all over the place and the writing was extremely elementary. Prewriting has helped me stay so organized, allowed me to dive deeper into my essays, and put all of my ideas on one piece of paper. I would tell myself to slow down and take my time with prewriting and my essays. It is also very helpful to have others read over your essays because they can catch mistakes you might have looked over. Then, I would tell myself that "you are about to learn a lifetime of useful information so go to every class and take it all in!" This class has improved my writing so much and I truly believe I have learned to write stronger and in a more professional manner. I learned so much and I learned how to manage my time. So....past self...just breath, enjoy school, and work hard!

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