Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Observations and Inferences

If I were to write about HONY for my rhetorical analysis I would focus on the contrast of the different cultures represented in many of the pictures. A large part of these photos discuss and represent ethnicities and gender struggles people go through everyday. Those photographed all live in the same central area and lead similar lives with similar stories. I would also focus on the beauty represented by each person photographed. Brandon Stanton acknowledges that struggle and pain can be beautiful and I think that is an important value everyone needs to have and understand.
S: Brandon Stanton-photographer
  • ethos: portraits
  • young in age
  • motivations
  • extremely passionate,borderline “obsessed” with projects,non traditional career path,goes where things strike him, he takes major risks-he is all in
ex.) betting $3,000 in student loans on Obama winning presidency
O: tumblr, blog, facebook, book
A:those who are on social media or are connected through any type of media today
P: to tell people’s personal stories
S: people, their life, people of New York
T: deep, personal, emotional,
-respeaking the individual's preference  -capture the beauty in the world that is seen in everyday life but not always acknowledged
-wants lots of people to see it
-wants to share people’s stories, he has a message he wants to show
-those who read want to receive a greater understanding of those around them
-each person photographed holds somewhat of a mystery
-can be a distraction from people’s own lives
-everyone has their own personal story and experiences that others can learn from
-people are not just what they seem
-their stories are far more complex than what others assume them to be despite discrimination based on race, looks, gender, etc.)
T: Everyone’s stories are different and have an experienced to be learned from
Other inferences:
-He want to influence his followers in a positive way and unite and unify everyone.
-He wants to show everyone that there is something beautiful about their story and their life
-He chooses people he sees on the streets where he thinks he kind find a profound story
-The experiences help those appreciate what they having going well in theirs lives. It also allows people to sympathize with one another

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