Sunday, October 11, 2015

Sex Trafficking Outline and Reflection

About the essay:
A very strong paragraph in this essay was the fifth paragraph. In this paragraph the writer discusses camera angles in depth and specific metaphors. She references the metaphor of a tunnel and explains that a tunnel can feel like a “dead end.” She further proves her point by writing, “This perspective tool in imaging functions as a visual representation to show that hope in finding a way out of the business-a light out a tunnel-is diminishing.” This allows the reader to relate to the feeling of lost hope. Then, she explains how the circular camera angles and fading scenes to black ties in with the tunnel metaphor and influences the viewers to want to help the victims. In this paragraph, the writer made some interesting points and described how filmmakers use their instruments to make an emotional connection and appeal to their audience.
A weak paragraph was the second paragraph because some of the sentences didn’t make sense or were confusing and difficult to understand. Although the writer made good points, some of the sentences were not well written. For example, she wrote,“Thus, reenactment shocks viewers because fashion shows are no longer representations of an accepted common practice, but instead a means of dominant control and a way to exploit someone’s body in a negative manner.” This sentence is very long it is unclear what the author is trying to say. There were a few of these sentences in this paragraph which made it confusing and hard to follow.
The thesis statement was “Through the use of reenactments and cinematography, Nolot effectively illustrates the dire need for the cessation of human sex-trafficking and appeals to his viewer’s emotions.” The topic sentences of each paragraph related directly to the thesis. In the second paragraph, the topic sentence describes how Nolot appeals to his viewers emotions, specifically by showing that victims are treated as capital objects. The third paragraph topic sentence discusses another angle of emotional appeal by a psychologist known as Melissa Farley. The fourth paragraph topic sentence discusses the use of a video text. Last, the fifth topic sentence discusses specific camera angles and how that allows the author to get his point across. Every topic sentence relates directly to the thesis statement.

Link to the outline of the essay

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