Saturday, September 5, 2015

Evaluation of Scholarly Sources

Video games and the correlation with violence in those who play these games has been a tremendous controversy topic over the years. As I continue my research, I've found more and more information about the study and the effects of video games whether they are positive or negative. There are many examples of negative effects from playing violent video games. A study performed by college students attending Iowa State reported those who spent more time engaging in violent video games during high school were involved in more aggressive behavior and situations as adults. Another study performed in 1995 showed that second grade boys displayed more aggressive behavior directly after playing violent video games compared to those who played non violent ones. Furthermore, studies have shown that college students who do partake in violent video games have had higher blood pressures and scored higher on a hostility measure.

A different website found under google scholar as well discussed the poor effects video games has on women. Many of the violent video games depicts women's bodies in an disproportional and unrealistic manner. The designers of the video games create women who have the perfect hair, legs, and face with large breasts and a perfectly shaped butt. Women look at these images and learn to see themselves by their body appearance, therefore lowering their self esteem because they don't look like "the ideal woman" portrayed in these games. This process of self objectifying has been linked to depression, eating disorders, decreased performance, and other body issues. One can learn more about how these issues can affect the brain in an online academic journal. Overall, it seems as though the majority of people believe violent video games are bad for the mind and body and are ultimately a negative thing.
Information About The Scholarly Websites:
The first websites purpose is to show readers both sides of the controversy argument about violent video games. It is full of research that shows the positive and negative effects of video games however there are abundantly more negative effects. It has been published by Ellen Lockwood and its citations include websites with furthers specific experiments and results. The intended audience are those who are researching information about violent video games and want to see both sides of the story. I found this website by googling video games violence and I chose this website because it has been cited by many people and has very good sources and information.

The second website's purpose is to prove that violent video games are ultimately a terrible thing for the world. It was published by Jesse Fox, Rachel Ralston, Cody Cooper, and Kaitlin Jones within the school of communication for Ohio State University. The intended audience are researchers and college students or those who are looking for many google scholar sources with articles about video game violence. I found this website by just googling video game violence.

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