Monday, September 21, 2015

Thoughts on Drafting

This week, I wrote my first QRG draft! Yes, this was a very exciting and intense process but I think I was successful in my first draft for the most part! In writing our draft we were asked to do many things such as write a thesis statement, write in PIE form, write introductions, organize information, and write conclusions. Every single one of these topics in the book was extremely helpful.

In the book, the authors provided many examples of strong thesis's and examples of good thesis's versus poor ones. This helped me get a better idea how to construct my thesis. Not only this but the book explained what I thesis is very well; I now like to think of a thesis as the broad argument one is trying to prove with evidence and examples. Furthermore, I learned about the PIE form which is something I have never used before. PIE form is simply a way of paragraph structure. The P stands for point, the I stands for information, and the E stands for explanation. This helped me organize my paragraphs and make sure I was getting my points across in a clear and productive way. 

I also learned how to write introductions, which is basically the P of the PIE form. In order to write an strong introduction, one has to pick the points to discuss that are most relevant to the topic. The introduction shouldn't be too long however it should provide enough information so that the reader knows what the writer is discussing. Last, in writing conclusions, its simply a wrap up of your entire paper and it should reiterate why you're argument is right. Considering writing a QRG however, it may be difficult to follow the organization of an essay because a QRG's format is rather different. Other than this, the book extremely helped in writing the first draft and was a great resource. 

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